Vernissage „Female Warriors“ der Künstlerin Anna Ladyshenski zeigt feministische Kunst.
bizco + emily
Stockmeyerstraße 41-43
, 20457 Hamburg Hamburg

Vernissage „Female Warriors“ der Künstlerin Anna Ladyshenski zeigt feministische Kunst.


bizco + emily
Stockmeyerstraße 41-43

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In der coolen Industrie-Location bizco + emily im Oberhafen eröffnet heute die Künstlerin Anna Ladyshenski ihre 1. Ausstellung „Female Warriors“. Die Autodidaktin, die hauptberuflich als Headhunterin und Managerin arbeitet, beschäftigt sich in ihrer Kunst mit dem Feminismus. In über 20 Acryl-Portraits zeigt sie die Befreiung der Frau aus der Unterdrückung und den Stolz des weiblichen Geschlechts. Eine große Rolle in der Kunst von Ladyshenski spielen Emotionen, in ihren ausdrucksstarken Werken sind diese den Frauen anzusehen. Schlendere heute zur Vernissage durch die Ausstellung und schaue dir bei Getränken und Fingerfood die „Female Warriors“ an. Wenn du es heute nicht schaffst, schaue doch ein anderes Mal vorbei: Die Ausstellung läuft bis zum 15. April. 



On 16th March 2018, the Vernissage for my first exhibition will take place – wohooow! This is a very exciting moment for me. A dream is coming true!

Vernissage: Friday, 16th March, at 6 pm
Exhibition period: 4 weeks
Address: Stockmeyerstraße 41-43, 20457 Hamburg, Germany
More information regarding the location/gallery:

What is it all about?
This exhibition tells the story of female warriors in four stages. It is both a story of female liberation and also a story of diverse human emotions depicted through females. Around 20 Acryl paintings – below you will find four examples.

Phase 1: Oppression
The  exhibition starts with female oppression. Throughout the centuries women were the the match ball of  the powerful, victims of violence and a species without or with limited freedom of choice. Step by step obedience turned into anger and passion – the dream of freedom and equal rights was born.

Phase 2: The Fight and the Art of War
This section shows the fight for liberation in the form of portraits of female warriors and paintings that depict different and often contradictory aspects of physical and psychological warfare that are united in the warriors. For instance there are character traits that we regard as positive, like the readiness to make sacrifices or loyalty. But there are also character traits and deeps we regard as rather negative, for instance seduction or deeds that arise from hatred and envy.

Phase 3: Victory
This part depicts the moments of victory and the diverse emotions this moment brings about, such as joy, glory, satisfaction and pride, but also disbelief, emptiness and disillusion. And the question remains: have we just won what was rightfully ours or have we become conquerors – where do we draw the line?

Phase 4: Aftermath
The final phase depicts the complex emotional states that come after victory. There is a feeling    of liberation, but it is clouded by memories of the prior fight and wounds that just come to the surface with time. It tells of inner emptiness, which often comes once we have achieved a long desired goal. It tells of the peace we find when the mind and heart are finally settled. But finally, when we hear the sound of a long gone past, we become  nostalgic, since we realize the journey is the reward.

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Bilder via Anna Ladyshenski